Directionally sound does not mean sound. But it does give me such hope.
You can plan all the right things, go the right way, choose the right theme and story, and still be wrong. There’s such a thing as being directionally sound, strategically wrong and tactically so off base that you might as well have never begun in the first place.
I’ve been directionally sound on many things. My creative impulses can be described in that way, from my blog to my work to my words. But I’ve rarely been strategically and tactically in the right place, at the right time, with the right tools.
Looking at my work from a distance, that’s easier to see now, and it represents a challenge that I relish.
I feel a rising optimism, in fact. I feel more convinced than ever that directionally I have known where to go, and all that’s missing now is the execution. That’s a comfort, when you’ve lived and worked in doubt for as long as I have.
My confidence is improved, and I feel ready to apply it with more purpose.
I am directionally sound, and through trial and error, the rest can follow.
xox Joany 🍕