Life is not a dress rehearsal for what comes next.  

“I think there are two things about living in a godless universe that scare some people. First, there is no one watching over them, benevolently guiding their lives. Second, because there is no life after death, it all feels rather bleak. Instead of scaring me, I find these two things incredibly liberating. It means that I am free to do as I want; my choices are truly mine. Furthermore, I feel determined to make the most of the years I have left on this planet, and not squander it. The life I live now is not a dress rehearsal for something greater afterwards; it empowers me to focus on the here and now. That is how I find meaning and purpose in what might seem a meaningless and purposeless existence; by concentrating on what I can do, and the differences I can make in the lives of those around me, in the short time that we have.”

I read this round-up today over lunch, and it stopped me in my tracks. Every single one of the short pieces and comments are worth a read, and they’ll give you something to think about - but this one in particular stood out to me. I think we spend so much of our time preparing for our lives, and we forget to actually live them. I think that’s one of the greatest tragedies of life, anywhere.

It’s the living now that matters. Because it’s all we’ve got. 🍕🍕🍕

xox Joany


Now read this

Not all dreams need to be realised.

I woke up this morning in a haze. I’ve been sober for a few days, and my body has started to respond to it. A certain malaise to my movements, and a throbbing headache that sits above one eye (my right) and a vague, elusive ache. With an... Continue →