There is something precious and beautiful about being alone.
I spend a lot of time on my own.
When I want to surround myself with people, the beautiful folks in my life are there, but I don’t always need them to be.
There is something wonderful about the freedom of being alone, the freedom from thinking inside someone else’s head and feeling inside someone else’s heart.
I’ve never been much of a homebody. When I’m alone, I am observing, experiencing or making. I ride the trains to wherever I wind up, and I write, and I code and I play ambient music and punk rock in my headphones.
I exist in the corner of a cafe, I skate down new alleys every week, and I talk to nobody, until I’m ready.
It’s in moments of profound loneliness that I find myself able to dig into my creativity, and ask myself the more difficult questions about who I am, and where I am.
I am something of a wanderer. I have always been. I like to be out in the fog, and I like being there alone, to think and to be quiet.
“Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night air smell better.” - Henry Rollins
xox Joany 🍕