Why do you do what you do? What’s the honest reason?

One of the oldest jokes in tech and startups is that people come up with a million dollar idea first, and then dream up a story about why they give a shit second. There is a certain contrivance about the eureka moments, largely because a good number of them are complete bullshit.

I am not one for that kind of false inspiration, I cannot and will not respect anyone who succumbs to it in search of a classic startup story they can pitch. I don’t believe in hiding my intentions, and I don’t believe in hiding my motivations. I believe in honesty above all else, even when that honesty may be prohibitive.

I want to hear honest answers to this question.
Why do you make things? Why do you do what you do?

If you’re spending your time and your life building a tech company, what is the real reason? If you’re raising a fund, why? If you’ve given it all up and you’re living outside the boundaries of normal existence to bend circuits in a noise band, what is your purpose in doing so?

I don’t gatekeep based on the answers to these questions. I just want the honest truth.

Do you do it for money?

For attention?

For the sake of itself?

To be creative?

To spread a message?

To gain status?

To change the world?

I can respect each and every one of these reasons, if they’re true. They’re all valid reasons to give a shit, to give your sweat and to give your blood, and I wouldn’t take them away from you. But I want to see a world where you’re honest about it. What else is there, what else do we have?

My reasons are simple.

I try and move the needle for other trans people because I want the next generation of kids to suffer less, because it makes me feel like a good person.

I make music because it makes me feel like I’m swimming in endless possibilities, and because the chance of making some money from a few indie tracks would bring me a level of creative success that I crave.

I work in tech and in startups because people respect me, they pay attention to me, they pay good money and I have a chance to shape the future, just a little bit.

I do a lot of things because I want people to like and respect me, I do a lot of things for attention because I seek it for validation. These are all the honest fucking truth. I gain nothing by trying to dress it all up in false narratives and meaningless platitudes. Showing you the truth, showing you everything is my way of keeping myself grounded, right here and right now.

If you were to do the same, what would you say?

Joany 🍕


Now read this

I don’t have a network. I like to think I have friends.

People often like to talk about their friends as networks. Like they’re a beautifully and purposefully designed web, created to boost them and help them to level up. I’ve never thought about the people I know like that. I don’t meet... Continue →